Welcome Saturday, 27 July 2024 @ 04:14:00
Burlington (Toronto-ish), Ontario, Canada

This website's main purpose is to provide me with links to various items & websites,
although you may (or may not ) find some links or sections that are of interest or useful to you.

This page & website is maintained & optimized for compatibility using BRAVE secure web browser, and for a screen resolution width of ⇤1920px @ 100% (4K monitor: ⇤3840px @ 200% ) or wider.
Any width less than that, and/or not using BRAVE web browser? I have no idea what your screen will look like... take your chances .
This site is NOT designed/maintained/tested/checked for compatibility with, or display from, mobile devices .

This page was last updated: 12TH June 2024
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  • Webserver:
        Abyss (X2)

  • CMS:
        Chrome-Fusion 3.03.00

  • PHP: 8.3.8

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  • Website Statistics
    6,738 unique visits

    FusionWings.com © Copyright 2008-2024 by John Mark Motyer, CD [8.3.8]